Secured comprehensive reserves of raw materials make ALAS Baustoff-Holding a reliable partner for the building trade.

Natural stone is a valuable raw material for the construction industry and has formed an important basis for civilization over centuries.

The mining respectively processing of this raw material is one of the core competences of Alas Baustoff-Holding. Consolidated rock is extracted from quarries and depending on the characteristics of the rock such as strength and resistance to weathering it is processed into high-quality aggregates for road and rail construction.

Mining of loose rock is done in gravel pits. The processed finished products are mainly used as aggregates in concrete.

Modern machines and plants guarantee the highest quality at the same time as a minimal effect on the environment. The comprehensive know-how and international experience of our highly-qualified employees ensure optimum and considerate utilization of the deposits.

In addition to the stationary plants ALAS also owns mobile processing plants which at the same time as optimizing transportation costs enable the production of high-quality aggregates directly on the construction site.

“The security of comprehensive reserves of raw materials makes Alas Baustoff-Holding a reliable partner for the construction industry.”